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30 young people who had been invited to spend Christmas lunch with Ashfield House because they had left care and were living alone.
Bringing together New and Young Masons Clubs from all over the UK.
Members of the Masonic Craft Beer Society explain how their passion for ale and socials led to the first fully-fledged beer Lodge.
UGLE projected images of falling poppies, poems and silhouettes of soldiers onto Freemasons' Hall.
London Fire Brigade's newest piece of kit was unveiled at the Lord Mayor's show in November 2021.
Backed by funding from Freemasons, Age UK Lindsey has been able to turn around the Life of Lionel*, a lonely pensioner with no family.
Brethren from Shakspere 1009 left the UK and headed to Ukraine in a van packed with over one tonne of urgently food and medical supplies.
UGLE holds four business meetings a year, known as Quarterly Communication.
Most Worshipful Brother Peter Lowndes announces retirement
The Dean was over the moon with the Freemasons gift of £6,000.