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Organ Concert, David Briggs

The organ concerts on the splendid Willis organ in the Grand Temple of Freemasons' Hall, London, is to be given by international concert organist, David Briggs

Date: 11 June 2025

Time: 6pm to 7pm

Location: 60 Great Queen Street London WC2B 5AZ

Organ Concert at Freemasons Hall in London
Photo credit - Kenji Kudo

Known for his unbridled virtuosity and passion for making organ music vibrant and accessible to a wide and diverse audience, David is one of the most sought-after concert organists of his generation.​

At the age of 17, David obtained his FRCO (Fellow of the Royal College of Organists) diploma, winning the Silver Medal of the Worshipful Company of Musicians. From 1981-84 he was Organ Scholar at King’s College Cambridge, during which time he also studied with Jean Langlais in Paris. 

He teaches performance at Cambridge University, frequently serves on international organ competition juries, and gives master classes at colleges and conservatories across the U.S. and Europe. 

David has held numerous positions in North America and the U.K. He is currently Artist-in-Residence at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York City.


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