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60-year-old Harlow Freemason to row Atlantic for Charity

Pete Beatty is getting ready to row 3,800 miles across the Atlantic Ocean to raise money for charity.

Freemason Pete Betty training to row the Atlantic Ocean
Pete training to row the Atlantic Ocean.

There are two types of courage.  Physical courage is ‘guts.’ Moral courage is a virtue that gives faith, hope and charity. The Worshipful Master of Stansted Mountfitchet Lodge No. 6230, which meets at Harlow Masonic Hall, is a roofer by trade and has a stockpile of both. Pete Beatty is an inspiration not only to every Freemason but to all individuals of all ages to challenge themselves.

Essex Freemason and sexagenarian Pete is getting ready to row 3,800 miles solo and unsupported across the Atlantic Ocean to become the oldest man to take on this challenge and create a new world record. Rowing from Portugal to French Guyana to try and raise £100,000 for two charities, Prostate Cancer UK and Tough Enough to Care, Pete will begin his epic Atlantic crossing in December 2022 as an Immediate Past Master, having completed his year in the Chair of his Lodge. 

Since the age of 25, Pete has been inspired by the courage of two paratroopers, John Ridgeway and Chay Blyth, who rowed 3,000 miles from Cape Cod to the Aran Islands in June 1966. During 92 days they braved two hurricanes, vicious storms, great whales, curious sharks, searing heat, saltwater boils, fatigue and lack of food and water as a result of damage by Hurricane Alma.  

One of the 40 plus members of Stansted Mountfitchet Lodge, Jon Kemmish, who has known Pete for 15 years said 'Pete is an inspiration to me and I’m sure would be to so many other younger men if they were to know about Pete and his adventure. From what I’ve learnt and seen so far, I am sure many Essex Freemasons and others will get behind Pete and be proud that this great man is a Freemason.'

Visit Pete Beatty’s website to find out why the voyage is called Indian Summer 2022. View videos to discover more about him and his training as well as his previous two English Channel swims and Calais to Gibraltar solo charity walk for Combat Stress.

Click here to visit Pete's website

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