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March 2025 Quarterly Communication Presiding Officer’s Remarks


Brethren, it is very good to see so many of you here today. I hope that you are enjoying your visit to this meeting of Grand Lodge, whether it is your first or another one of many such visits. 

Brethren, this time last year I presented an update on our progress with the Strategy.  At that time, I noted this was a seven-year Strategy – akin to a longer-distance race than a sprint, and that progress would take time before the full effects would be seen and felt across  the whole of the United Grand Lodge of England.

To establish a context, and so you can appreciate the progress we have made you should remember that in 2022 the Craft saw a decline in membership of more than two per cent, down from four per cent in 2021. From the statistics available at the end of February 2025 for the year ended on 31st December 2024, the end of the second year of the Strategy, the decline is now less than one per cent. This is down to your efforts and enthusiasm, Brethren, and you can see we are firmly within striking distance of delivering the Strategy’s goals. 

The tackling of the Membership Challenge is one to which The Grand Master pays particular attention and he thought it essential you should be aware of the progress we have achieved so far and with your continued support and enthusiasm what we can and will achieve.

Despite the significant progress  we have made in implementing the Strategy over the last two years, there is much more still to do. I would like to give three examples of progress in different aspects of it. 

Firstly, we heard this afternoon from the Provincial Grand Master for Buckinghamshire on the roll-out of Portal and how it will really improve the experience of membership for us all. It is essential we register and use Portal when it is made available to us. I have registered and it really is very straightforward, easy to use, and helpful. Using technology does not come naturally to me, I probably rely too much on my family to be considered  anything other than an amateur, but I find myself using Portal regularly and as we seek to deliver a Strong Foundation from which to grow our organisation and deliver a Thriving Membership, it is essential all Members register and use this new system when they are invited to do so. 

Secondly, you are now very familiar with “One journey, one organisation” and the practical steps that have been introduced to give tangible effect to the Craft and Royal Arch being a seamless journey. The removal of a separate Royal Arch joining fee emphasises this message. In addition, The Board of General Purposes, together with The Committee of General Purposes, has brought the necessary alignment of the Book of Constitutions and the Royal Arch Regulations to ensure the organisation based here at Freemasons’ Hall can work as effectively and efficiently as possible. This is integral to delivering a Coherent Organisation.

And thirdly, in December you heard the results of the Third Pillar review presented by the Second Grand Principal, and the Provincial Grand Master for West Lancashire. Most of the Working Parties required to take those recommendations forward have started their work. Community Engagement is hard wired into what we do in Provinces, Districts, and many Lodges and Chapters and this pillar is essentially continuing and enhancing what already makes us so relevant to our local communities.

Across all three pillars of the Strategy, the Membership Challenge is, and will remain for at least the next three years, the absolute priority focus for our efforts to ensure Freemasonry under the United Grand Lodge of England thrives. We must not be distracted by other things. 

We have concentrated on attraction with practical tools which can be used by Lodges and Chapters, ranging from the Members’ Pathway to the video on multiple candidate ceremonies. These tools will be enhanced further in the next few weeks and months. There has definitely been success in attracting new members. It is noticeable that those Provinces and Districts where full and enthusiastic use is made of initiatives, such as Members’ Pathway, have made greater progress in addressing their membership challenge than those that have not made full use of the available tools. I am sure the lesson will be learnt. 

During the course of this year further guidance, initiatives, and tools will be provided to Provinces, Districts, Lodges and Chapters, particularly in the whole area of ensuring we engage, enthuse and retain our existing members. Getting both sides of the membership equation  right will, I am certain, deliver a thriving and growing organisation. 

In recognition of the importance of this continued focus on addressing the Membership Challenge effectively, The Grand Master has decided, for this year, to award additional Grand Ranks to those Provinces and Districts where significant progress has been made in addressing their membership challenge. These additional Grand Ranks are for members who have made a significant contribution in achieving this and will be conferred at the Annual Investiture in April. 

Brethren, we are making good progress in the goals we have set ourselves. We need to maintain our momentum and keep up the good work and with your enthusiasm and dedication I have no doubt we can and will succeed.

Thank you, Brethren.


Pro Grand Master Jonathan Spence, United Grand Lodge of England


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