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Shropshire’s Festival – the Journey to 2030



The Provincial Grand Master of Shropshire, Roger Pemberton, has announced the launch of the next Shropshire Festival to raise funds for the Masonic Charitable Foundation.

This follows the success of the last Festival in 2019, when the Shropshire Masonic community raised £1.2 million, exceeding their £1 million goal—an impressive feat for a smaller Province.

The COVID-19 pandemic deeply affected the Masonic community, but membership numbers are now recovering in Shropshire with the adoption of the Members' Pathway. With this positive trend, in a special video inspired by a 'well-known Belgium sleuth' featuring various colourful characters, the Provincial Grand Master set a new, ambitious festival target for 2030 of £1 million!

The Festival's launch was celebrated during the annual Provincial Grand Lodge meeting, where Freemasons from across Shropshire and invited guests had the chance to connect with charity representatives supported by the Province. The event was filled with the camaraderie and shared commitment to charity and brotherhood that characterises Freemasonry.
Lodges across Shropshire are now planning various fundraising activities in their communities to support the Festival, highlighting the resilience and dedication of the Masonic community.

The Provincial Grand Master invites all masons and supporters to join in the journey to 2030, demonstrating that the spirit of charity thrives in Shropshire.

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