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BIG 1-2-3

Freemasons awaiting the BIG 123 ceremony day


On Saturday 29 June, more than 150 people took their next regular step in Freemasonry and 650 people attended this once-in-a-lifetime moment. BIG 1-2-3 was four months in the planning and 14 hours in the delivery with a core team of 25 people, supported by over 50 Lodges in the Province.

The success of our Discover Freemasonry membership drive, which attracted hundreds of people interested in joining the Fraternity, prompted us to organise a grand, single-day Freemasonry event in London to welcome them into the Craft.

The Freemasons of Buckinghamshire used every Lodge room at their disposal to conduct 75 Initiation Ceremonies. Meanwhile, the Provincial Grand Stewards took over the Egyptian Room/Lodge Room 10 to conduct 36 Brethren through their Second Degrees. Concurrently, in the Grand Temple, an unprecedented collective ceremony witnessed the Raising of 39 Freemasons.

John Clark, Provincial Grand Master, Marcellians no. 4450:  

‘When I took on the role of Provincial Grand Master in 2017, I knew Freemasonry needed to evolve to stay relevant in the 21st century. I’ve always believed our ceremonies could benefit from more dramatic flair to enhance the sensory experience and reinforce our messages.

‘Changing the entrenched belief that traditional methods are the only approach was challenging. However, assembling a core team of specialists has transformed our regular meetings into remarkable events. Our ability to create an engaging experience at scale has garnered widespread attention and sparked the interest of numerous newcomers, leading to growth in our Province that at times astonishes even me.

‘This kind of growth does not happen by accident. It takes hard work, fresh ideas, a positive attitude, and a willingness to roll up our sleeves and get things done. Everyone involved has really stepped up to the challenge. Standing in the Grand Temple during BIG 1-2-3, looking out at 650 Freemasons who were all there to celebrate their journey, was truly special. In all my years in Freemasonry, I do not think I’ve ever experienced anything quite like it. The energy in that room was incredible. Seeing the impact of what we have achieved here in our Province, I cannot help but wish every Freemason around the world could have a similar experience. It is moments like these that remind me why I love Freemasonry and why it still has so much to offer in today’s world.’

Tim Anders, Assistant Provincial Grand Master and manager of the event:  

‘Organising BIG 1-2-3 was an amazing experience. It showed what our team can do. It started as a simple idea and grew into something huge.

‘We had to consider a lot of detail. We created everything from working tools and shrouds to illustrated tracing boards. We wanted to give the candidates a visual experience they wouldn’t forget, in whatever degree they were taking.

‘One of the biggest challenges was choreographing the movements for all the ceremonies. Getting the timing right was vital to make sure everything ran smoothly. This took months of planning.

‘We decided to use Project Transform for the Second and Third Degree ceremonies. The idea was to make it more than just a ritual – we wanted it to be an emotional experience that really drove home the meaning of each step in Freemasonry. The theatrical lighting and sound effects we used helped create an atmosphere that I think will stick with the Candidates for a long time.

‘On a personal note, Initiating my 85-year-old father into Freemasonry in the Grand Temple was something I’ll never forget. Having 650 Freemasons there to witness my brother Chris function as Junior Deacon, guiding our father through the ceremony. And all other offices were being filled by our Light Blues demonstration team, all of which had been in Freemasonry for less than four years. It was an emotional moment, watching them together and feeling the solemnity of the occasion mixed with our family pride.

‘To cap it all, the Provincial Grand Master Invested me as his fourth Assistant Provincial Grand Master. My newly Initiated father and brother functioned as Chain Bearers in that ceremony – the perfect end to an incredible day.

‘As Freemasons in Buckinghamshire, we are known for our innovation and creativity. BIG 1-2-3 was a remarkable example of this. We pulled off a series of firsts in one day, creating a memorable and meaningful experience for everyone involved. It took months of planning and preparation, but the result was well worth it.’


Triple Initiation for a father and two sons

A number of remarkable events took place, one of which was Brentham Lodge conducting an Initiation ceremony for a father and his two sons concurrently. Marcel Lakatus and his sons, Tavi and Gabriel, were overjoyed to participate in the Initiation. They had all attended a Discover Freemasonry recruitment event just a few months earlier.


Three generations at Fairway no. 8614

The BIG 1-2-3 event was a fantastic day for many Buckinghamshire Freemasons. It was even more so for the members of Fairway Lodge no. 8614 as they welcomed a very special Initiate. The Lodge had one of the first slots available on the day and got to Temple 14 shortly after 9am to perform the ceremony of Initiation for Oliver Heffer, the current Worshipful Master’s son. His grandfather, John Embury, is also a member of the Lodge and was present for the ceremony. Oliver joins a succession of new members to Fairway Lodge who have welcomed seven Initiates in the past few years and will no doubt follow in both his father’s and grandfather’s footsteps in Freemasonry.

Cosmin Spinu, Entered Apprentice, Verney no. 8849:  

‘The day I joined Freemasonry at Grand Lodge in London was unforgettable. Entering that historic building, I felt awe and respect for the fraternity I was going to join.

‘The Initiation was thought-provoking and beautiful. It stressed values such as honesty and kindness, which resonated with me. I reflected on how to apply these principles in my life. What stood out was the community. I was surrounded by fellow Freemasons who shared this experience and supported each other. It was amazing.’

Lawrence John, new Worshipful Master, Verney no. 8849:  

‘As a four-week-old Worshipful Master of Verney Lodge, I had the privilege of Initiating a new member at Grand Lodge in a beautiful temple. It was a remarkable experience for both of us. Cosmin is from Romania and I am from South Africa, which shows the universality of our fraternity. Freemasonry transcends borders, cultures, and languages, and unites us with a common bond of friendship and values. Whoever you are, wherever you are from, you can find a home in Freemasonry.’

Daniel Sadek, Fellowcraft, Hampden no. 6483:  

‘The Egyptian Temple where my Second Degree took place was stunning, with purple and turquoise creating a unique atmosphere. Our Lodge members supported us, along with so many Brethren from across the county and overseas. We had memorised our parts, feeling nervous and excited about presenting them to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master. The ceremony went smoothly. Provincial Stewards gave us tips on how to stand and present ourselves. The Tracing Board was interesting, with symbols teaching us about morality and Freemasonry. As a new Freemason, I learned a lot. Seeing multiple ceremonies deepened my understanding of Freemasonry. I met great new members and made connections. It was a long but rewarding day.’

Neil Robertson, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Heatherden no. 7345:  

‘After hundreds of hours of meetings, rehearsals, and revisions I can honestly say that it was one of the best days of Freemasonry that I’ve had the privilege to be a part of. A once-in-a-lifetime experience for Candidates and Provincial Stewards alike. It was a real honour to assist so many Brethren on their Masonic journey. The Egyptian Temple is simply stunning, and I enjoyed every moment of delivering the Second Degree ceremony to so many happy people. I hope that others can adopt our approach to delivering an experience for Freemasons wherever in the world they are.’

Dan Saberi, Master Mason, De Bohun no. 8175:  

‘As one of the Brethren Raised at BIG 1-2-3, I stepped into the Grand Temple with nervous excitement. The emotion and tension were palpable, especially under the portentous red lights that bathed the massive temple in an otherworldly glow.

‘The nerves turned to calm serenity and awe as we walked onto the chequered floor and fell under the watch of the silent onlookers, and the spell of the sound of violins echoing around us. The love and dedication of those who organised and orchestrated the ceremonies on that day was evident throughout, and I cannot sufficiently praise them for their work and dedication.’

Nii Okyne, Master Mason, Orion no. 8756: 

 ‘Words fail me in describing my Raising at BIG 1-2-3. It was an incredible experience. Just as I exited Covent Garden station, I saw loads of Brethren. There were men dressed in black, all Freemasons, and all headed to the BIG 1-2-3. The Raising Ceremony that made me a Master Mason was humbling, and steeped in the old traditions of operative Freemasons. It took place in the main Temple, with its high ceilings, beautiful architecture, and golden thrones across the altar. The scale, the music, and the lights completely blew me away. I have no idea how they managed to choreograph this, but I am truly thankful and humbled to be in the company of so many other Freemasons on such a memorable day. I am so proud to call you my brothers.’

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