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Northumberland Freemasons wearing regalia


The Secretary of Northumberland’s Oriental Lodge no. 9371, Kam Wah Mak, has embarked on a project to bring together Brethren from Lodges with a connection to East Asia.

Oriental Lodge was consecrated by members of the Chinese community in Newcastle to create a supportive environment for Freemasons with a connection to East Asia. The Lodge was a success and is one of the largest in the Province. Known for its hospitality and spectacular Festive Boards held at Chinese restaurants across Newcastle, the motto of Oriental Lodge is ‘Bridge of Friendship’. The Lodge also makes regular visits to Zetland & Hong Kong Lodge in London, and, from time to time, has organised visits to Lodges in Hong Kong.

Kam Wah explained the idea behind the new project. ‘The mission of the Society of East Asian Freemasons is to establish and maintain a network of East Asian Freemasons – or Brethren with a connection to East Asia – to encourage their participation in and enjoyment of Freemasonry, and to attract others into the Craft’. Interested Brethren can contact at: [email protected]

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