In November, Evripides Nicolas, the Master of St Paul’s – the oldest Lodge in Cyprus – visited Beneficentia Lodge for an Initiation in Room 17 of Freemasons’ Hall in Great Queen Street, accompanied by 18 of his fellow members.
Having opened the Lodge, the Master of Beneficentia Lodge allowed the Master of St Paul’s to take the chair and Initiate his older brother, Andreas Nicolas, with the assistance of St Paul’s Brethren.
The ceremony delivered an excellent ritual that gave the Candidate the best possible first impression of Freemasonry, and rewarded those present, including the Metropolitan Grand Inspector Keith Alexander, with what may well be a once-in-a-lifetime Masonic experience.
During the November regular meeting of St Paul’s Lodge, the District Grand Master of Cyprus, Michael C Hadjiconstantas, commended Nicolas for his initiative, as well as the Brethren who assisted in this ceremony. He pointed out this was only possible by the kind permission of the Metropolitan Grand Inspector and the brotherly love and understanding of the Master and Brethren of Beneficentia Lodge.