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Dorset Freemasons Host 2024 Ashlars Day

Dorset Freemasons sponsored 70+ local children to participate in a special day of activities


Dorset Freemasons sponsored 70+ local children between the ages of 12 - 16 to participate in a special day of activities that included rifle shooting, axe throwing, assault course, tug of war, bushcraft, and battle archery.

The day was fully funded by Dorset Freemason's generosity and included a hectic day, plus lunch and prizes.

The event was opened by the local Mayor, Nocturin Lacey-Clarke, who also stayed for most of the day to join in with the fun.

This year, the children came from several local charities and the communities in which our Freemasons live and work across Dorset. The ethos of the event is that it isn't an event for participants from any single charity sector or geographic location, but rather a good cross-section of young people from across the region get to experience the activities and, importantly, each other's company. The result of this is that a group of children who would never usually even meet each other get to spend the day making memories and developing skills while making friends. The events are all run at the pace of the participants, and there is a provision in place to ensure that each of them gets the most out of the day; they are all encouraged to take part to the maximum of their abilities.

Prizes were awarded to the winning team, plus special awards were given to the highest-scoring shooter and axe thrower. Additionally, a prize for the participant who stood out as most deserving was presented by The Provincial Grand Master for Dorset, Stephen James, who attended with his wife, Louise.

On the day, the children are supported by the staff from the host company, Max Events, and volunteers from across Dorset Freemasonry and beyond to ensure that the day passes off safely and the participants are safe, happy, and have the best time possible.

The day encapsulates the very best of Freemasonry, where most of the 'staff' are local Freemasons who donate their time to help support this event and the children and have a great time themselves. It demonstrates the generosity of the members in Dorset, who donated more than £6000 to make this event possible and affirms their commitment as an organisation to reach into the local community to make a difference.

The Provincial Grand Master, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, and many other Grand and Provincial Grand Lodge Officers were in attendance to show their support for such a worthy cause.

The Provincial Grand Master, Stephen James, remarked,

"This event is an excellent example of Freemasonry and what it has to offer its members and the local community. The hard work and dedication of the team who organised the event and the volunteers and staff who come together to provide such a special experience really is a pleasure to see."

This event is now in its third year and has so far provided this experience for nearly 200 local children from all walks of life. Plans are underway for Ashlars 2025! The organisers are always keen to hear from charity or community groups, who might have young people between 12-16 who might like to join in. Email [email protected] to get in touch with the organisers.

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