Simon Yule, one of three Brethren from the Province of Gloucestershire receiving Grand Lodge appointments, was accompanied by his father, who is also a distinguished holder of Grand Rank. Walter Yule watched as his son was Invested 21 years to the day after he himself had received his first Grand Rank appointment. Walter has had other recent Masonic milestones, having celebrated his 50-year anniversaries in both the Craft and the Royal Arch.
Simon, who is a Past Provincial Deputy Director of Ceremonies in his Province, said,
“The whole occasion was not only awe-inspiring but humbling and emotional, particularly as I was supported on the day by my father, brother-in-law and many Brethren from Gloucestershire”.
Are there many other father and son holders of Grand Rank? Well, there was at least one other high-profile example that actually occurred on the same day as the Grand Master HRH, the Duke of Kent, Invested his son, the Earl of St Andrews, as Senior Grand Warden. And to take the coincidences even further, Walter has a small connection with the Grand Master, having been a Corporal on garrison guard duty at Catterick in 1958 when the Duke was Orderly Officer!
Reflecting on the day, Walter said,
“As well as being a proud and emotional occasion for me in seeing Simon receive his Grand Rank, it was one of great enjoyment in the company of so many friends in the incredible setting of Grand Lodge, which brings together Freemasons from across the globe and from all backgrounds”.