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Freemasons in Madras Embrace Learning and Development

Freemasons in Madras embracing Learning and Development

In Freemasonry, an inquisitive mind is a prerequisite to be initiated. Therefore, the pursuit of Learning is of the utmost importance. This is not necessarily a formal education but lifelong learning for the purpose of serving Humanity better. Each Mason is expected to be well versed in the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences and endeavour to understand the wisdom that Masonry has encapsulated over centuries.

Many of our own and the uninitiated are deluded by their vague supposition that our mysteries are merely nominal; that the practices established among us are frivolous; and that our ceremonies might be adopted, or waved, at pleasure. On this false foundation, many a times we find that they have hurried through all the degrees, without adverting to the propriety of one step they purse or spending time and effort in building and acquiring the qualifications requisite for advancement. Passing through the usual formalities, they have accepted offices and assumed the government of lodges, equally unacquainted with the rules of the institution. The consequence is obvious; wherever such practices have been allowed, anarchy and confusion have ensued, and the substance has been lost in the shadow. To qualify an individual to enjoy the benefits of the fraternity and society at large, or to partake of its privileges, it is absolutely necessary that he should be acquainted with all the intricate parts of the science and the ingrained learning. These are only intended for the diligent and assiduous Mason.

In The District of Madras we believe that embodying a learning-centred approach in all that we do is a lifelong journey of discovery and innovation. Becoming a learning-centred organization is a discipline. It is a pursuit, and it is about how our organization’s impact is enhanced and how the people within the organization are developed professionally and personally. It is not a destination. “Mastery is an asymptote – something that can never be reached. It’s not a credential or piece of paper. It has to come from somewhere deeper – the want and the discipline to work on it each day.”

The Learning & Development initiative in The District of Madras was launched by R. W. Bro. Theophilus Arputharaj Devagnanam, R. W. The District Grand Master on the 28/11/2020.  with the introduction of Solomon by The United Grand Lodge of England. We strongly believe that Solomon is a great platform on which we could build a strategy disseminating learning throughout the District. So, the first step in this direction was to familiarise Solomon to all the Lodges & Chapters within the District with this objective we conducted sessions individually for each Lodge & Chapter.

In the District of Madras we have adopted a combination of The PQ4R method & The Feynman Technique for imparting learning 

PQ4R being

  • Preview: Preview the information before you start reading to get an idea of the subject. Skim the material and read only the headers, subheadings, and highlighted text.
  • Question: Ask yourself questions related to the topic, such as, What do I expect to learn? What do I already know about this topic?
  • Read: Read the information one section at a time and try to identify answers to your questions.
  • Reflect: Did you answer all of your questions? If not, go back and see if you can find the answer.
  • Recite: In your own words, either speak or write down a summary of the information you just read.
  • Review: Look over the material one more time and answer any questions that have not yet been answered.

Which works very well to familiarise brethren with Solomon and also our Rituals. The Feynman Technique is an efficient method of learning a concept quickly by explaining it in plain and simple terms. Our indigenous Socratic model of learning titled Mathai & Muthu is based on this technique.

Upon Initiation the Entered apprentice is inducted into the learning & development fold where he receives required material and a personal guide to his journey forward. This not only ensures a solid foundation for the newly made brother but also informed officers for the Lodge & The District.

Mathai & Muthu

The District devised a Socratic model of learning titled Mathai & Muthu. The Socratic Method is a dialogue between a Sr. Brother and a Jr., instigated by the continual probing questions of the Jr, in a concerted effort to explore the underlying beliefs. Here we have made an addition of introducing subject experts during these conversations. 


Mathai & Muthu modules are available in different buckets like,

  • Masonic History
  • Lodge Basics
  • Three degrees
  • Esoteric learning.




Some examples for modules under Masonic history are ‘King Solomon & Muziris’, The Origins ..etc. The module ‘King Solomon & Muziris’ traces the connections between King Solomon, the construction of the first Temple and the ancient port of Muziris in Kerala, India, this port does not exist now as it was completely destroyed in catastrophic flood the year 1341.

This module titled ‘The Origins’ traces the origins of the craft from the regus poem to the times of King Athelston to the establishment of The United Grand Lodge of England.



The modules created under Lodge basics endeavours to familiarise newly initiated brethren to some ‘not so much looked at ingredients in freemasonry. Upon initiation the first impact on the candidate happens with the mysterious 3 knocks. This module attempts to demystify the knocks and also into a closer look at the currently forgotten chamber of reflection.

The module titled ‘Initiation an Enigma’ deals with the ceremony of initiation; however through this module Mathai & Muthu takes a deep dive into the principles and rites of the ceremony.


The Magic Flute delves deep into the esoteric realm. The Magic Flute was one of the greatest compositions by Bro. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. This piece is completely masonic and fully veiled in symbolism and allegory to the extent that each note played has a symbolism ingrained. This module comprises of audio-visual feeds from the opera, its symbolism explained and a live session by a brother who is also a great musician.


The Rosslyn Chapel has always remained a centre for mystery and conspiracy for all masons. In association the Rosslyn Chapel trust The L&D of the District provided a live walkthrough of the chapel. This is an extremely captivating session as the attendees got to experience ancient masonic edifices and symbols like the apprentice pillar first hand.


Another great way to impart masonic knowledge is through lectures by eminent scholars and masonic writers.



‘The Rising’ 

‘The Rising’ is podcast series that Madras launched in 2022. Through the Rising it hopes to capture and disseminate masonic wisdom and experiences of senior masons which is slowly being lost as this currently remains captive in their minds. 




The onboarding series covers all the 3 degrees of The craft and The Royal Arch Chapter. 

  • The Entered Apprentice module:  2 sessions
  • Fellow Craft: 3 sessions
  • Master Mason: 4 sessions
  • Royal Arch Chapter: 4 sessions 

The Masonic Bean


The Masonic Bean is crisp visual nugget delivered weekly with a view to help brethren in making a daily advancement in masonic knowledge. 

Live Workshops 

A group of people sitting in chairs
Description automatically generated A person standing in front of a group of people
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Live workshops always enable increased engagement and enhanced skill-building. With this view Madras curated live workshops in varied areas. The first of the series was titled ‘Creative writing’ and was aimed at inculcating writing skills and encouraging brethren to produce original masonic nuggets for dissemination in the District. The session was curated in association with an industry expert in creative writing. The session lasted for about 2 hours. This resulted in the creation of over 100 papers in the District. The second workshop titled ‘Commit & Connect’ was conducted for the benefit of the Communications team of the District. The session was led by a leading industry expert in the realm of advertising and brand positioning. The session provided valuable insights on effective communications both internally and externally.

Live Workshops 

Live workshops always enable increased engagement and enhanced skill-building. With this view Madras curated live workshops in varied areas. The first of the series was titled ‘Creative writing’ and was aimed at inculcating writing skills and encouraging brethren to produce original masonic nuggets for dissemination in the District. The session was curated in association with an industry expert in creative writing. The session lasted for about 2 hours. This resulted in the creation of over 100 papers in the District. The second workshop titled ‘Commit & Connect’ was conducted for the benefit of the Communications team of the District. The session was led by a leading industry expert in the realm of advertising and brand positioning. The session provided valuable insights on effective communications both internally and externally.

Masonic Films

A group of men in suits shaking hands
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In 2023 the L&D launched a pathbreaking initiative to produce short masonic films which would go a long way in disseminating masonic knowledge & principles to a wider audience efficiently and quickly. The first of the series titled ‘To be or Not to be a Freemason’ premiered in February 2024. This film traces the mystical exploration of an initiate into the architecture of the self, where the apprentice becomes the Master.

Lifestyle Events

The L&D of the District believes that life is not completely digital and refreshment follows labour. Lifestyle events were curated to impart effective skills to the brethren. This not only contributes to being better equipped to navigate daily lives but also brings about a increased sphere of connection with the Lodge. Two of the events were curated in association with  leading distilleries of Single malts which covered the art of vintage whisky tasting and appreciation. Another series of events were directed at imparting fine dining etiquettes. 

In the mystical journey of Masonic enlightenment, the potent alchemy of a robust learning and development wing unfurls profound outcomes. Within the sanctum of the lodge, the diligent cultivation of knowledge and wisdom transmutes the rough ashlar of the initiate into the polished stone of a master craftsman. Through the crucible of learning, the adept acquires not merely the tools of trade but the esoteric keys to unlocking the hidden mysteries of existence. As the temple's pillars resonate with the echoes of ancient teachings, the mason ascends the winding staircase of enlightenment, each step a testament to the transformative power of continuous growth and exploration. Thus, within the hallowed confines of the Masonic District, the alchemical marriage of learning and development begets the timeless legacy of enlightened Masons.

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