Freemasons across England came together with The Not Forgotten (TNF) military charity to deliver five military veterans days in September 2024.
The format follows a successful trial in 2023 at Euston Hall in Suffolk, where a Drive-In Garden Party was held to allow veterans and their helpers to sing and clap along to Queen, Tom Jones and Take That tribute acts, play games and enjoy Pimms, a delicious hog roast lunch and tea & cake. The key aim of the event was to allow veterans to socialise. Many find it difficult to get out, and TNF remains true to its founder's vision by fighting isolation by offering "comfort, cheer and entertainment" to those wounded in the war.
Sharing principles that also guide Freemasons, the charity seeks to "talk to everyone as a friend, regardless of rank or fortune, but most especially as an equal human being".
The partnered events spread from North Yorkshire, Herefordshire, Oxfordshire, Kent, and Suffolk. Each Province brought its valuable network and community spirit to the venues at York Racecourse, Holly House Farm, Blenheim Palace, Quex Park, and Helmingham Hall. Province to Province interaction and mutual support combined to produce a series of unique jamborees bringing entertainment, networking with invited dignitaries, and community engagement with local military communities.
Each volunteering team added its distinctive flair, including a Winston Churchill look-a-like and tour of the Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum at Blenheim Palace, a tour of the formal gardens, and an Apache Flyby at Helmingham Hall.
The impact of the programme was immense, delivering fun and respite in a safe environment to over 1,150 veterans and helpers. This is equivalent in number to a fighting battalion (Army), three destroyer crews (Navy) or five squadron personnel (RAF).
Those entertained in each Province left with a clear impression of what The Not Forgotten and Freemasonry are capable of delivering when operating in partnership. The spin-off benefit raised an additional £4,490 in raffle monies and donations, plus £472 in merchandise sales.
However, the week's most humbling and rewarding aspects were the veterans' feedback and stories. The Facebook posts included the following:
From an invitee to Suffolk:
"What an incredible day! Faultless organisation and brilliant acts! Everything from Pimm's, coffee, music, sequins, fun and hog-roast, to Freddie Mercury, Lulu and Take That, from walled gardens, Singo Bingo, the raffle to tea, lemon drizzle cake and a 2-helicopter fly past! You even supplied superb weather and clear skies - I have the sun-tan to prove it! This was JUST what we needed after another difficult year of "unseen" health issues. A huge Thank you to ALL involved - the administration at Not Forgotten, the support of the Masons, the generosity of the Tollemache family, the people preparing the picnic boxes, the "Pig-man", the bakers of cakes, the stage-setters, the volunteers, the performing artistes, all those I've forgotten or don't know about. Absolutely wonderful and unforgettable. A thousand Thank-Yous."
And from Hereford:
"The day made me feel socially included, and I felt that I fitted in. As being a disabled Veteran with my injuries, it is very difficult to get out and about doing things that normal people do. After time, this does naturally chip away at my mental health and has [done so] personally for me, [this] before I discovered The Not Forgotten and attended your Drive-in. I was feeling very isolated, completely ignored, and frankly left to rot by the country I was injured in serving. I then came home from the Drive-in absolutely beaming with positivity, and since that day, my mental health and outlook on life have improved dramatically, and I have not stopped talking about it since. I now feel strongly that my service to the country was not all one-sided, and it is The Not Forgotten Team I have to thank from the bottom of my heart."
Story 1
In Oxfordshire, one veteran had served in the Royal Green Jackets during his military career. He was introduced to a Trustees of the Soldiers of the Oxfordshire Museum and found that they had served in the same regiment. They exchanged contact details, but the veteran discovered that the Trustee knew four further comrades. The veteran exclaimed that he had not spoken to his fellow servicemen for 30+ years and was so excited that he would make contact with them again. He said, "I am so glad I came today, this is a day I will cherish for years".
Story 2
In East Kent, a young veteran in his 40's40s stood between the cars and did not join the line of a seated audience. He was asked why he was standing alone. He explained that he had served in Afghanistan and suffered significant PTSD to the point where he could not leave his house as he could not interact with crowds of any type. The only journey he makes is to the local veterans' group who support him as much as possible. The group persuaded him to attend the Veterans Day at Quex Park, which he did only because, in his words, the event was a "Safe Space". He stayed the whole day and found solace in speaking to other veterans and receiving the hospitality offered to him. He left with a smile on his face.
Story 3
In Suffolk, one of the invitees was a D-Day veteran aged 99 who served in the Royal Marines. He spoke to the Deputy Lord Lieutenant Air Vice-Marshall David Murray who said afterwards "I owe that man my life! He was in the first wave to land at Sword Beach on 6th June and had [in his own words] cleared away all the villains! Thank God he did as my father was in the second wave".
The Freemason volunteers also appreciated and enjoyed the events. Neil Hamilton Johnstone, Head of East Kent Freemasons, said,
"The Not Forgotten Association is a fantastic organisation that provides vital support to ex-Service personnel, veterans, and their families. They offer a range of activities and services to help those who have served their country to rebuild their lives and overcome the challenges they may face. We are wholeheartedly dedicated to upholding the Armed Forces Covenant. Our aim is to ensure that all individuals who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, as well as their families, are treated equitably and with the utmost respect."
Prof Stephen Tucker, Provincial Grand Master for Oxfordshire, remarked,
"We are delighted to have been able to host this event, which was a roaring success. I am sure I speak for everyone involved, saying that should you wish to do this again at Blenheim (or anywhere similar within Oxfordshire), then we would be delighted to assist."
Michael Holland, Provincial Grand Master for Herefordshire, added,
"I am delighted that the Province of Herefordshire was able to assist your worthy cause in a small way during The Not Forgotten event at Holly House last month. I understand it was a most enjoyable success and I am touched by the communication you quoted from one of your guests. I wish you every success in your future endeavours, and if there is any way we can be of assistance in the future, we will be delighted to be of service."
Jo Peck, Events Manager at Helmingham Hall, commented,
"We would happily work with both partnerships again on community engagement projects. It was such a great experience, and you could see the positive impact and enjoyment from all who attended. Staff from Helmingham popped out throughout the day and all commented on how friendly, approachable and fun the day was."
Col Richard Walker OBE (CEO of The Not Forgotten) concluded,
"We are now beginning to shape future delivery for 2025 and beyond and welcome your Province's support as we build upon this unique relationship and shared strategic intent."
Jamie Gwatkin, Provincial Grand Almoner for Suffolk (founder and SPOC of the Partnership with The Not Forgotten), added,
"This Partnership delivers maximum impact with minimal management. It identifies Freemasonry as a force for good and is a way of networking within our communities. A blueprint has been written so that no one has to reinvent the wheel. Most importantly, it supports the veterans who put their lives on the line to defend our country".
If any Province would like to register an expression of interest in hosting a future event, please contact Jamie Gwatkin via a[email protected]