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Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire Freemasons Adopt the Members' Pathway

Mark Constant and other North Hants Masons at a Members Pathway Meeting


The Northants & Hunts Provincial Grand Master, Mark Constant, saw the announcement of the Pro Grand Masters 7-year Strategy as an opportunity to relaunch the Members' Pathway in the Province and tasked the Provincial Membership Team to determine the best way forward.

A key element was an update of our Provincial Membership Strategy to align with the Pro Grand Masters.  To give our Strategy focus, the Provincial Grand Master set a Membership Challenge of 2% annual growth till 2030, restoring membership numbers to 2008. The Province relaunched the Members' Pathway at two Roadshows in July 2023, representatives of all 97 Lodges in the Province attended.

The Roadshows explained the Membership Challenge and introduced the revised Members' Pathway.  Important to this was making this "real" for Brethren.  Breakout sessions brought Mentors, Membership Officers, Almoners and Secretaries together in groups to work on real issues around; Planning, Attraction, Engagement and Retrieval.

As a final take away Lodges were asked to do 5 things:

  • Draft a Lodge Membership Policy
  • Create a Lodge Profile
  • Outline where prospective Candidates will come from and how to attract them.
  • Create a mentoring plan, including succession planning.
  • Identify and engage with members possibly at risk of resigning or defaulting and plan to retrieve them.

Lodge Membership Teams were shown how to access specific guidance documents via the Members' Pathway Interactive Guide, which gave Lodges something tangible to focus on. 

What have we observed?  Many of the Lodges and Groups within the Province have engaged with the process, proactively planning events to support the Membership Challenge.  These include Discover Freemasonry Events such as:

  • Taking stands at local events such as Beer Festivals, Rugby Club open days, and local Farmers Markets.
  • Open days at Local Masonic Centres.
  • Gentleman's information evenings.
  • Supporting the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal collection.

Special interest Lodges have been successful in attracting new Initiates and keeping joining members more engaged in the process of re-energising their interest in Freemasonry.  The Province has Special Interest Lodges dedicated to Rugby, Classic Cars, Shooting, Beer & Brewing and Music, amongst others.  A notable success was the rededication of Lodge of Prudence as a specialist Lodge for Martial Arts enthusiasts.  This had the happy dual benefit of a Masonic Union, which benefited all concerned. The Lodge not only acquired 15 Joining Members, but it is also looking forward to Initiating five Candidates in a coming meeting.

New & Young Masons Clubs are seen as an important factor in the strong retention of brethren.  Active Mentoring throughout a brother's journey through Freemasonry, by understanding his expectations, leading to a lifelong mentoring approach, is recommended.

Whilst resignations are a fact of life, much can be done to identify those at risk of resigning and plan to prevent the resignation.  Therefore, Mark has appointed a Retentions Officer who is formalising systems and coordinating the management of resignations that do occur. 

The Provincial Grand Master and the Grand Superintendant, Jim Boughton, are united in their approach to Membership across the Craft and the Royal Arch.  In the Craft, Royal Arch Ambassadors have been appointed at Masonic Centres, and we actively support Royal Arch information evenings.

The Province grew by 24 members net in the year 2023 to approximately 2950 members, and the PGM has now launched "Next Step 3000" to maintain the focus on growing membership.  This is not the end target but rather a milestone in our Provincial journey to meet our Membership Challenge.

What are the key lessons learned?

  1. There will never be a perfect time to start this; start the journey now, and of course, adjust as we learn.
  2. This is not rocket science; keep the messages simple.
  3. The approach works and delivers results at the Lodge and Provincial level, provided we engage with it.
  4. Continual communication and education in relation to the Membership Challenge and Members' Pathway is essential.
  5. UGLE and Provinces can only provide a top-down view and tools for success.  It is Lodges and brethren which drive success.
  6. We MUST remember that Freemasonry is FUN, whilst managing membership is important, it will not be possible if what we do is not enjoyable.

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