Freemasons from across the country are forming a new Special Interest Lodge for anyone interested in role play games, board games, table-top wargaming, collectible card games, and all things similar. Dragon Lodge is a gaming and hobbyist Lodge that will be consecrated within the Province of Nottinghamshire, but already has interest from members across the country.
Nottinghamshire has a long history and traditions tied to the gaming industry, with many major gaming companies located within the Province. Philip G Marshall, ProvGM for Nottinghamshire, said:
‘I am so pleased to see Brethren from within the Province and beyond coming together to combine their passions for Freemasonry and their hobbies. Nottinghamshire has a historic connection to these industries, and it felt like the natural home for such a Lodge. I am immensely proud to have given the Lodge my blessing, and I can’t wait to see it consecrated in due course.’
Robert Smith, the first Worshipful Master Designate, said:
‘The idea for the Lodge came about when a group of Brethren were talking after a Lodge meeting and it became clear we all shared the same hobby, alongside our love of Freemasonry. It is fantastic to have already heard from Brethren from across the country and beyond, who have an interest in joining the new Lodge. I hope we get many more. It’s a great honour to be asked to be the first Master of the new Lodge, and I can’t wait to meet more interested Brethren from across the country.’
The Lodge will be peripatetic in nature, looking to hold Lodge meetings across the country, and on different dates as required, to coincide with major events in the gaming calendar.
Any Brethren interested in finding out more, or becoming members of the Lodge at its Consecration, can visit: www.dragonlodge.org or contact the Lodge organising committee at [email protected]