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West Lancashire Freemasons' White Ribbon Provincial Grand Chapter

Mark Matthews welcomes the newly exalted companions


The day begins

It was a beautiful morning in Blackpool, with the sun shining on the Companions, who had arrived early to be put through their paces by the newly appointed Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Ian Halsall, and his team of Deputies. The acting Provincial Grand Stewards gathered in the main hall, and as this would be their swan song, all were eager to make sure it was an occasion that they and all who attended would remember for a long time.

Companions who had volunteered to help with the smooth running of Provincial Grand Chapter gathered at the Winter Gardens entrance to check in arriving companions while the Provincial Grand Stewards were on hand to escort our distinguished guests to their reception area.

After checking in, companions were once again offered free prostate health test kits. This is a simple and reliable way to detect elevated levels of PSA in a finger-prick blood sample. Additionally, there was an opportunity to purchase the new Provincial tie that brethren have been promising themselves, and Violet from the Provincial office was available to supply everything you could need to represent the Province of West Lancashire.

White ribbons

This being a 'white ribbon' event, before commencing the Provincial Grand Chapter, the Grand Superintendent, Mark Matthews, warmly welcomed Companion Matthew Stone. Matthew had been exalted the previous evening into Bispham and Norbeck Chapter, and so was the newest 'white ribbon' Royal Arch Mason in the Province. 'White ribbon' is a term used in the Province to identify newly exalted Companions and those of longer standing who have not yet taken office in one of the Three Principal's chairs when the distinctive regalia changes colour.

Newly admitted Companions wear regalia decorated with white apron ribbons and a distinctive white ribboned jewel. As well as Companion Matthew Stone, there were 14 newly Exalted Companions present proudly sporting their white adorned regalia. Mark expressed his delight in welcoming them to his Chapter and expressed hope that their participation would contribute to their enjoyment and enthusiasm for Royal Arch Masonry, adding that he would be delighted to allow them to take part in the opening procession, to be received and honoured by the rest of the attending Companions.

Over 400 companions had gathered to celebrate the appointments and promotions in the Royal Arch in the Province of West Lancashire. The parade into Provincial Grand Chapter, as well as honouring the 'white ribbons' was filled with the usual pomp and ceremony, with the music and acclamation creating an electrifying atmosphere for everyone present. You can experience the atmosphere by clicking here.

The Chapter

Ably assisted by his fellow Principals and Directors of Ceremonies, Mark opened the Provincial Grand Chapter in fine style, and following respect for departed merit, he welcomed the many visiting dignitaries, who were warmly welcomed with rapturous applause by the Companions of West Lancashire.

Mark then proceeded to re-appoint his Deputy Grand Superintendent and his First and Second Provincial Grand Principals, followed by the re-appointment of his six Assistants to the Provincial Grand Principals.

Mark then addressed the assembled Companions, bringing them up to date with the issues relating to Royal Arch Freemasonry in West Lancashire.

The Address of the Provincial Grand Superintendent

'Companions and Brethren, I commence my address by thanking you for your attendance today. I particularly welcome our 'white ribbon' Companions who are new to the Order within the last two years. I hope that you enjoy this very special occasion in the Royal Arch Diary.

You really have responded positively to the Membership Challenge set by SGC and UGLE in February 2023. Our specific challenge was to increase new members by 82%, which equated to 211 Craft Masons. Since that rigorous challenge was set, we have subsequently attracted over 400 new Masons.

The growth in our Craft membership is a result of your hard work in bringing in initiates of the right calibre through your regular and additional meetings and multiple candidate ceremonies. Please keep considering your family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues as potential prospects.

Our Royal Arch membership is comparatively high, with 41% of our Craft Members also being in the Royal Arch. This has been achieved through an excellent response to my request to rejoin or to join the Royal Arch. You have held White Table Events and Joint Convocations, plus multiple and additional meeting ceremonies.

Your efforts towards the end of last season to bring in new Royal Arch members were so significant that we were unable to accommodate the high volume of Candidates for Exaltation before the summer break. As a result, for this new season, we have a further 80 men who have declared their intention to be Exalted into the Royal Arch between now and the end of the season in May 2025. I am certain that this tremendous invigorated interest in our Order will continue, and our membership will be further enhanced as the season progresses. Please continue to assist me by being Ambassadors for Royal Arch Freemasonry!

In your Lodges, non-Royal Arch masons and unattached Royal Arch masons are easily identified by them not wearing a Royal Arch Jewel. Speak to them and ask them to consider joining or rejoining us in completing their journey in pure and ancient Freemasonry.

For all the good work that is going on in bringing new people into the Royal Arch and Craft, we need to enhance our thorough administration of paper Registration Forms. We have too many forms being submitted to Province, which are incomplete. Such action can delay the registration and recording of new members. That impacts upon the issue of Grand Lodge Certificates and can delay brethren who have completed their Third Degree from joining the Royal Arch, due to them not having the required Certificate.

I urge Proposers, Seconders, Scribes and Secretaries to ensure that the Registration Forms are accurately completed the first time. That will negate any time loss or need for them to be returned for correction. This is important to our Province in meeting our Membership Challenge and fully reflecting the hard work being done by our lodges, chapters and groups in bringing people into the Craft and Royal Arch.

I hope that you take advantage of utilising the free PSA Test Kits provided to you today by WLFC. In recent years, the tests have identified cancer issues for a number of men who, without those tests, would not have been aware that they had prostate cancer. Only yesterday, I received a marvellous letter from one of our Masons who is now receiving treatment, having had a positive test, following him using his kit provided at our Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting in May. Companions please use your test kits and urge others not here today to do likewise.

Companions, I am delighted by the success of our Light Blue Clubs. They are doing outstanding work in supporting, developing and encouraging our newer Brethren. Many of who are taking an early opportunity to join the Royal Arch. We have held very successful Light Blue Forums in the past two years. In this new season, we will be holding two more on Saturday, 26th October 2024, at Eccles and at Widnes on Saturday, 15th March 2025. I strongly encourage all of our newer members to join a Light Blue Club.

To conclude on membership. If each Chapter and Lodge can bring in a minimum of 1 or 2 quality Candidates per season, the future of the Craft and Royal Arch within our Province will be secured. I encourage our lodges and chapters to hold frequent Non-Masons and Non-Royal Arch Masons to Dine Events. The social side of Freemasonry is a key membership attractor.

Companions Community Engagement is the Third Pillar of the Pro Grand Masters Strategic Road Map for Freemasonry. Thank you for all that you do with our communities. Please endeavour to make our masonic buildings part of the fabric and interaction with local people. I thank the Halls Teams for your contribution to our buildings. I look forward to the next Meeting of our Halls Executives on Friday, 25th October, at Preston Masonic Hall.

Companions, if you need any advice about how to enhance Community Engagement, please speak to your local Group Chairmen or our Community Engagement Advisory Group, headed by Chris Butterfield, our Deputy Grand Superintendent, via the Provincial Office.

Companions, our West Lancashire Freemasons Charity is there for you. I urge you to use it. If you are suffering or if you know other masons who are, simply contact the Charity Office at Huyton for free and confidential advice. It is your charity, don't be too proud to ask for help, please utilise it.

To those Companions who today are receiving Acting Offices, First Appointments and Promotions, I thank you for all of the work that you have done to date. I also thank you in advance for the work that you will continue to perform in the future. This is your day - enjoy it, and many congratulations on your achievements.

Companions, I heartily thank Peter Taylor, Mick Southern, Diana, Violet and all of the Provincial Office Volunteers for organising today's special event.

I thank the Chairman of the Blackpool Group, Comp Steve Jelly and his Team, for providing our Stewards, who have marshalled the day so well and safely for us.

Thank you to our Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies and his Deputies for keeping us on track and for ensuring everything has run smoothly.

Companions, I thank all of our Group Chairmen, Vice Chairmen and Secretaries for the work that they do on behalf of the Province. They have a difficult and time-consuming task, and I greatly appreciate all that they do.                     

Companions, here we are at the start of a new season. My diary is full of future visits and occasions where I look forward to sharing your company, friendship, ceremonies and celebrations. As we go forward, tell others about what we do and how proud we are to be Masons, and ask them to join us.

To those who are dining later, I look forward to your company at the banquet. I wish everyone a safe journey home.

Finally, Companions, you are well aware that my primary desire is for you to enjoy your Royal Arch and Craft Freemasonry. Please ensure that you do that, and May the Red Rose Continue to Bloom!

Appointments and Promotions

With the Provincial team assembled, it was now the turn of those Companions who were either receiving acting rank, their first appointments, or promotion in the Royal Arch. The Provincial Grand Stewards, assisted by the Provincial Directors of Ceremonies, ensured that all the recipients were escorted to the Grand Superintendent with dignity and style. The excitement was evident on every face as they approached Mark to be 'collared', accompanied by some very nice words of congratulation.

After all the business had been completed, the recession was held. The impressive parade that was seen earlier was reenacted in reverse, with slightly different participants. The companions erupted into a spontaneous round of applause. Everything ran smoothly, thanks in large part to the efforts of the team of stewards from The Provincial Grand Stewards Chapter of West Lancashire, as well as the Directors of Ceremonies, the musical brethren, the Janitor, and those responsible for the heavy lifting.

Enjoying a banquet

After the event at the Winter Gardens, the Companions gathered for the post-convocation banquet. There was a lot of socialising, with old acquaintances catching up, new friendships being formed, and stories being shared over drinks. It's always a wonderful occasion when Companions from all over the Province come together for a formal dinner. There was an air of excitement as everyone found their tables and took their seats. The Provincial Grand Superintendent entered along with our distinguished guests, who were greeted with huge applause as they took their seats.

After enjoying their meal and raising their glasses for a toast, the companions leaned back to listen to a brief speech by Mark Matthews. He discussed the plans for the Royal Arch in West Lancashire, emphasising the opportunity for membership expansion. Everyone was encouraged to promote the Royal Arch to non-members. Brian Griffiths, the newly appointed Nehemiah, responded on behalf of the newly appointed and promoted Companions, offering congratulations and sharing some useful advice.

With a positive message resonating in their ears, the Companions journeyed back home after a delightful day at Blackpool's Winter Gardens. They were already anticipating another full house next year.

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