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Worldwide Brotherhood in Action

Support from Costa Rica Freemasons' make the world of difference for jet-setters Mike and Lesley Gagg when hit with a health scare.


Somerset Freemason and his wife are frequent global holiday-makers but their trip to Costa Rica could so easily have ended in tragedy.

Gerard Lodge with Mike and Lesley Gagg
Gerard Lodge Freemasons' with Mike and Lesley Gagg

In March 2022, Mike Gagg and Lesley Gagg flew to Costa Rica for a 2 week stay on the Pacific west coast resort of Tamarindo. The day before their return on 6 April Mike was rushed to hospital in Liberia, the provincial capital of Guanacaste. Within 48 hours, Mike was critically ill with bacterial pneumonia, unconscious and mechanically ventilated. For six weeks, Mike’s life hung in the balance as various complications arose and had to be successfully managed. Lesley remained at his side throughout. 

Finally, Mike was well enough to be flown home by air ambulance with a full medical team whereupon he was transferred to Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, where he remained for a further 5 weeks. At the point of return to the UK, Lesley was found to be Covid positive and therefore had to quarantine for a further week before following Mike home to the UK.

Mike reports that during the time he was in hospital in Costa Rica, Lesley was living in a basic quality motel nearby. Her anxiety and stress were heightened because she did not speak Spanish. His medical team were very good in trying to keep Lesley informed of his condition but it was very difficult at first as she had no support in Costa Rica. Mike’s family in England worked very hard to sort out insurance cover for the mounting costs and, together with family friends, were in constant contact but couldn’t really offer much practical help.

Mike’s home Masonic Lodges were aware of the need for local support and, with the assistance of the UGLE Grand Chancellor’s team, contacted the Grand Lodge of Costa RicaRudy Corrales Vega, the Grand Secretary, promptly arranged support from Dr Efren Molino, Past Grand Master, who is a doctor. He took time to phone Lesley and had many long discussions with Mike’s medical team to ensure that all was well with the treatment he was receiving. He also took the time to speak to Mike’s daughter in England, to ease her mind.

Most Costa Rican Masons are based in the capital city, San Jose, which is a five hour drive from Liberia where Mike was in hospital. Nevertheless, they promised to go to the hospital any time, night or day, if they were needed.

Sergio Reyes, who provides support to needy Brethren and their dependents, also kept himself updated and offered support to Lesley.

Being critically ill, Mike was largely unaware of what was happening to him and of the considerable load that was being borne by Lesley. The support of the Masons, both at home and in Costa Rica, helped to considerably reduce their stress levels.

On returning to England, Mike and Lesley received many messages from Costa Rica asking about his recovery and offering best wishes. Mike also received many cards and visits from his Masonic friends which certainly helped to aid his recovery. 

Somerset Masons have since provided more practical help; Adrian Robson, Provincial Grand Almoner, sourced a wheelchair for Mike and St Dunstan’s Lodge provided a banister rail which was installed by Mark Acreman.

In gratitude of the help received from the Grand Lodge of Costa Rica, Mike’s Mother Lodge, Gerard Lodge, meeting at Keynsham, sent them a specially engraved shield as a ‘thank-you’ for their considerable assistance.

Mike and his family also give thanks to the United Grand Lodge of England, who arranged contact with the Masons in Costa Rica. Huge thanks are also due to their many Masonic friends here, who were so supportive, in particular, Robert O'Malley White, Somerset’s Mark Provincial Almoner and Stuart Hadler, Past Provincial Grand Master for Somerset, who is the Almoner for Gerard Lodge, both of whom actively supported the family throughout.

Thankfully, Mike, now aged 78, has made a very good recovery and has resumed his Masonic activities and, undaunted, his foreign travels too!

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