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Our hosts sit down with Elliot Chevin to discover more about Archway and to dive deep into the world of the Royal Arch.

The hosts of Craftcast with Elliot Chevin



In Epsiode 11, Season 2 Craftcast: The Freemasons Podcast, the hosts welcomed a special guest, Elliot Chevin, to discuss the Royal Arch, a significant part of Freemasonry. The episode, dubbed ‘Archcast’, focused on providing insights into the Royal Arch and its connection to Craft Freemasonry.

Elliot Chevin shared his personal journey in Freemasonry, recounting how he joined the Royal Arch in 2004 at his father's insistence. He was Exalted into Earlham Chapter, connected to his mother Lodge, Earlham Lodge, in the Province of Essex. Chevin emphasised the crucial role of personal contact in encouraging Craft Freemasons to join the Royal Arch. Drawing from his experience with the Membership and Communications Working Party, he noted that one-on-one interactions are far more effective in recruiting new members than promotional materials like posters or brochures.

The discussion delved into the process of joining the Royal Arch, which Chevin described as straightforward and familiar to Craft Freemasons. He advised potential members to consider various factors when joining, such as whether to join a Chapter connected to their Lodge or to expand their Masonic circle by joining a different Chapter. He also highlighted the existence of themed or specialist Chapters that might align with individual interests.

Elliot Chevin provided a detailed explanation of the Royal Arch's nature and significance. He described it as a continuation of the Craft journey that provides answers to questions raised in the first three Degrees. He outlined four key aspects of the Royal Arch experience:

  • Companionship: A deeper bond with fellow members
  • Answers: Continuation and completion of the Craft story
  • Ceremony: Striking and memorable rituals
  • Self-discovery: Further personal growth and understanding

The Royal Arch was presented as an integral part of the Masonic journey, offering a deeper understanding of Freemasonry and its symbolism. Chevin explained how the Royal Arch complements the Craft Degrees, such as learning how to apply the working tools introduced in the Craft.

The hosts and Chevin discussed the concept of ‘one journey, one organisation’, a strategy emphasised by the Pro Grand Master. They explained how this unity is reflected in the leadership structure, with the Grand Master also serving as the First Grand Principal, and the shared governance under the United Grand Lodge of England and Supreme Grand Chapter.

The conversation also covered ‘Archway’, a toolkit designed to help Chapters thrive. Chevin described Archway as an intuitive, simple yet powerful resource organised around four key areas: Shape, Grow, Involve, and Enjoy. He encouraged Chapters to use this tool to assess their current state and find ways to improve.

The episode included a discussion on the deeper meaning of the term ‘Companion’ in the Royal Arch. The hosts explained its etymology, deriving from Latin words meaning ‘with bread’, and its military connotations, highlighting the strong bond it represents among members.

The hosts concluded by encouraging listeners interested in the Royal Arch to speak with Royal Arch representatives in their Craft Lodges or contact their Provincial teams for more information.

Listen to the full ‘Archcast’ podcast.

Listen to the rest of the Craftcast podcast.

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