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Powering Through

The Three Pillars Club aren't to be stopped by something as simple as a power outage.


Dorset’s newest Freemasons, ‘Three Pillars Club’ held a meeting under the direction of Andrew Ward, a Past Master of The Lodge Honour and Friendship, No. 1266 and Chairman of The Three Pillars Club. 

The Three Pillars Club all Stand in a dark room lit by a torch at the front left hand side of the group.
The power outage was embraced by all members of the Lodge.

The club were extremely lucky to be invited to conduct a demonstration of the first degree by the Dorset Sportsmen’s Lodge, No. 9942. The Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Mike Parkes volunteered to be the candidate for the evening, some fifteen years after becoming a Freemason. 

Thirty-one members of the Three Pillars club made the journey to the Freemasons Hall in Wimborne for the meeting, with fourteen members stepping into offices or giving sections of the ceremony they wouldn’t normally conduct. 

This was a perfect opportunity for members of the club to practice taking part in ceremonies, which they might not have the opportunity of conducting in their own Lodges. Every Office was taken by Three Pillars Club members. What a great opportunity.

A Sudden Power Cut

However, as the evening began the Lodge suffered a complete electrical failure as members arrived. They later discovered that the power outage would last the entire evening whilst a nearby road was dug up to fix the fault. The evening remained in a state of darkness throughout, with the room illuminated by two small emergency lighting units and three candles. It was like taking a step back in history and added to the ambiance making it even more memorable for everyone. 

Every brother did themselves and their Lodges proud, a truly magnificent opportunity embraced wholeheartedly by everyone involved in the evening. 

Andrew Ward said, 

'This has been a wonderful opportunity for our members this evening, not just for those taking part, but for the many who came just to watch this truly unique experience. The lack of lighting could have been a huge issue, but everybody just got on with the job in hand and put on a great show. To have relatively junior members deliver parts of the ceremony, and to such a high standard is an excellent thing to be a part of and I couldn’t be anymore proud of them all.'

The evening continued in a state of darkness in the dining room and the kitchen was without power. The local Wimborne fish and chip shop had a last-minute order for sixty hungry people, certainly not the norm but appreciated.

An Encouraging Role

The Three Pillars Club aims to engage with new members of the Province of Dorset encouraging them with their journey through Freemasonry, as well as meeting people in a similar position whilst ensuring that they seek to compliment the mentoring and support provided by their Lodges. Over the next twelve months, the club will arrange regular visits and social events throughout the Province, with more opportunities to undertake roles above their own offices in order to gain experience and confidence conducting themselves in Lodge.

The Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Mike Parkes said, 

'The Three Pillars is part of our overall plan to make sure the Province is providing the support and opportunities for all our members. There are some exciting things happening over the next year with the club and I am looking forward to seeing the benefits that this brings to the Freemasons in Dorset. As a Province we have taken the decision, in consultation with The Three Pillars, to automatically enrol all new members into the club, as a statement of our commitment for providing the best levels of support possible.'

With the help and guidance of the more experienced members in the Province, the Three Pillars Club will go from strength to strength, being a safe place for questions, understanding and growth. Finally, a massive thank you to the Dorset Sportsmen’s Lodge, No.  9942 for the opportunity given, and for the support of all the Officers to make this event the success it was. Please invite us back.

The Three Pillars Club logo

Mark Frost

Three Pillars Committee 

Dorset Freemasons 

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