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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II: a lifetime of service and duty

On the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in September, the Grand Master HRH The Duke of Kent and Pro Grand Master Jonathan Spence led members in offering their condolences on behalf of UGLE, and their loyalty to King Charles III.


Freemasons observed a minute’s silence in honour of the late Queen Elizabeth II, and heard a message from the Grand Master HRH The Duke of Kent to His Majesty King Charles III.

An image of Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II and her husband His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
An image of Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II and her husband His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.


It is 70 and a half years since Grand Lodge met in March 1952 following the death of a sovereign – on that occasion MW Bro His Majesty King George VI, Past Grand Master. Few, if any, of those then present could have imagined that his successor, the young Queen Elizabeth II, would enjoy so long a reign – so long, indeed, that few of those present here today have known any other monarch.

Many tributes have in recent days been paid to Her late Majesty and to her exceptional service to this country and the Commonwealth. Many more will doubtless be paid in the days to come. I do not believe it is appropriate for me to try to add to those tributes, other than to say that I am sure that all of us feel an almost personal sense of loss – a loss, indeed, with which most of us have yet to come to terms.

Brethren, I ask you to join me in a minute’s silence to honour the memory of Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. I should like to tell you that the Most Worshipful The Grand Master has sent a message of condolence to His Majesty The King in the following terms:

Your Majesty On behalf of all brethren under the United Grand Lodge of England I extend to Your Majesty most sincere sympathy in your grievous loss. Your Majesty may be assured of the continued and unswerving loyalty of the Order.

(signed) EDWARD Grand Master United Grand Lodge of England

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